• Werkvloeren:

Alle keukenwerkbladen, snijplanken en bereidingsruimtes worden na elk gebruik gereinigd en ontsmet om kruisbesmetting te voorkomen.

• Apparatuur:

  • Keukenapparatuur zoals snijmachines, mixers en grills worden na gebruik direct gereinigd. Dit zorgt ervoor dat al het gereedschap veilig en klaar is voor de volgende maaltijdbereiding.

• Vloeren:

  • Keukenvloeren worden regelmatig geveegd en gedweild om vet- en voedseldeeltjes te verwijderen, waardoor het risico op uitglijden en vallen wordt verminderd.

• Afwasruimte:

  • Gootstenen, afdruiprekken en vaatwassers worden gereinigd en ontsmet om ervoor te zorgen dat al het servies en keukengerei vlekkeloos zijn.

• Koelkasten en diepvriezers:

  • We maken routinematig de planken schoon en ruimen eventuele gemorste vloeistoffen op in onze koelkasten en diepvriezers, zodat al het voedsel in optimale omstandigheden wordt bewaard.

Weekly Cleaning Protocols

  • Deep Cleaning Appliances: Our ovens, fryers, grills, and other large appliances receive a thorough deep clean to remove any accumulated grease and grime.
  • Vent Hoods and Filters: We clean and degrease vent hoods and filters to ensure efficient ventilation and prevent fire hazards.
  • Walls and Ceilings: Regular cleaning of walls and ceilings in both the kitchen and dining areas helps to maintain a pristine appearance and hygiene standards.
  • Storage Areas: Our storage areas, including dry storage and walk-in refrigerators, are organized and cleaned to prevent any contamination and ensure food safety.

Monthly Cleaning Protocols

  • Light Fixtures: All light fixtures are cleaned to remove dust and ensure bright and welcoming lighting.
  • Behind and Under Equipment: Large appliances and equipment are moved to clean behind and underneath, ensuring no hidden dirt or pests.
  • Deep Cleaning Floors: We perform deep cleaning of all flooring, including scrubbing grout lines and using a floor buffer for a thorough clean.
  • Pest Inspection: Regular inspections for signs of pests are conducted, with immediate action taken if any issues are found

Health and Safety Practices

  • Checklists: We use detailed checklists to ensure all cleaning tasks are completed thoroughly.
  • Training: Our staff receives continuous training on proper cleaning procedures and the importance of maintaining a clean environment.
  • Supplies: We use high-quality, safe cleaning products and tools appropriate for all surfaces and equipment in our restaurant.